Minimum Marketable Product (MMP)

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Minimum Marketable Feature Set


Understanding Minimum Marketable Product

The Minimum Marketable Product (MMP) is an Agile product development strategy that focuses on developing a product with the smallest possible feature set that still delivers significant customer value and is marketable. The idea behind MMP is to minimize the time-to-market, while maximizing customer value.

The Importance of MMP

MMP is crucial in today’s fast-paced business environment where speed, efficiency, and customer satisfaction are paramount. It enables businesses to release their products faster, get customer feedback sooner, and make necessary adjustments based on that feedback. This iterative process leads to continuous improvement and innovation.

How to Determine MMP

Determining the MMP involves identifying the key features that deliver the most value to the customers. It requires a deep understanding of customer needs, market trends, and competitive landscape. This is often achieved through customer interviews, surveys, market research, and competitive analysis.


While MMP and MVP (Minimum Viable Product) are similar concepts, they serve different purposes. MVP is used to validate a product idea, while MMP is used to launch a product that is small but still marketable. MVP focuses on learning, while MMP focuses on earning.

Usage Examples

1. A startup developing a mobile app might decide to release an MMP with the core functionality of booking and tracking appointments, while saving additional features like online payment and customer reviews for later versions.

2. A software company might release an MMP of a new project management tool with basic features like task assignment and progress tracking, and then gradually add more advanced features based on customer feedback.

3. A retail company might launch an MMP of a new online shopping platform with essential features like product listing and online ordering, and then later add features like personalized recommendations and customer loyalty programs.

Historical Context

The concept of Minimum Marketable Product originated in the Agile software development methodology, which emphasizes the importance of speed, flexibility, and customer feedback in product development. It has since been adopted by many other industries.


  • MMP is not about releasing an incomplete product, but a product with a minimal feature set that still provides value to customers.
  • MMP is not the same as MVP. While both concepts focus on minimizing features, MVP is about learning, while MMP is about earning.


  • MMP vs MVP: While both MMP and MVP aim to minimize features, MVP is used to validate a product idea, while MMP is used to launch a product that is small but still marketable. MVP focuses on learning, while MMP focuses on earning.
  • MMP vs Traditional Product Development: Traditional product development often aims to include as many features as possible before launch, while MMP aims to minimize features to speed up time-to-market and maximize customer value.

Related Concepts

  • Agile Product Development
  • Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
  • Product Backlog
  • Product Owner
  • Scrum
  • Kanban
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