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Interdisciplinary, Cross-functional


Understanding Multidisciplinary

At its core, ‘Multidisciplinary’ is about harnessing the power of diversity in thought, expertise, and perspectives. It involves the application of methodologies and insights from various disciplines, which are combined to generate more effective and comprehensive solutions. The multidisciplinary approach is a key element in Agile and Innovation, where it helps to foster creativity and drive continuous improvement.

Why Multidisciplinary Matters

In today’s complex and rapidly changing business environment, a multidisciplinary approach is more important than ever. It allows teams to tackle complex problems from different angles, leading to more innovative solutions. Moreover, it promotes a culture of continuous learning and adaptability, key traits in Agile environments.

Advanced Aspects of Multidisciplinary

  • Problem-solving: Multidisciplinary teams can address complex problems by integrating diverse knowledge and perspectives.
  • Innovation: A multidisciplinary approach fosters innovation by encouraging out-of-the-box thinking and cross-pollination of ideas.
  • Agility: Multidisciplinary teams are better equipped to adapt to changes and respond to new challenges, enhancing agility.

Usage Examples

  1. In a software development project, a multidisciplinary team might include software engineers, UX designers, business analysts, and project managers, each bringing unique skills and perspectives to the project.
  2. A healthcare team addressing a complex medical condition might include doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, and psychologists, all working together in a multidisciplinary approach.
  3. In a marketing campaign, a multidisciplinary team could consist of graphic designers, copywriters, data analysts, and social media specialists, each contributing their expertise to the overall strategy.

Historical Context

The concept of multidisciplinary work dates back to ancient times, where polymaths like Aristotle and Leonardo da Vinci excelled in multiple fields. However, it gained prominence in the 20th century, as the complexity of problems required more integrated solutions.


  • Being multidisciplinary means being an expert in all disciplines: In reality, it’s about integrating expertise from different fields, not about being an expert in everything.
  • Any team with diverse skills is multidisciplinary: Simply having diverse skills doesn’t make a team multidisciplinary. It’s about how these skills are integrated and leveraged.


  • Compared to a single-discipline team, a multidisciplinary team can offer a broader range of perspectives and solutions.
  • Unlike a cross-functional team, which involves different functions within a single discipline, a multidisciplinary team integrates multiple disciplines.

Related Concepts

  • Interdisciplinary
  • Cross-functional team
  • Collaboration
  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • Agile methodology
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