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Agile Hybrid, Scrum-Kanban Hybrid


What is Scrumban?

Scrumban is a fusion of the Scrum and Kanban methodologies, combining the iterative development of Scrum with the continuous flow and pull system of Kanban. It was developed as a way to transition from Scrum to Kanban, but has evolved into a standalone methodology that brings together the best aspects of both.

Key Elements of Scrumban

  • Flexible Planning: Unlike Scrum, which relies on fixed-length sprints, Scrumban allows for more adaptability in planning and executing tasks.
  • Continuous Delivery: Scrumban emphasizes delivering work continuously, making it suitable for projects with rapidly changing requirements.
  • Visual Workflow: Like Kanban, Scrumban uses visual boards to track progress and identify bottlenecks.
  • Pull System: Scrumban uses a pull system for task management, where team members pull tasks when they have capacity, rather than having tasks assigned to them.

Advantages of Scrumban

Scrumban offers several advantages, including increased flexibility, improved workflow visibility, and better handling of changing priorities. It can also help teams transition from a traditional waterfall model to a more agile approach.

Usage Examples

Example 1: A software development team uses Scrumban to manage their project. They visualize their workflow on a Kanban board, and pull tasks based on their capacity. This allows them to adapt to changes in project requirements, and deliver updates continuously.

Example 2: A marketing team uses Scrumban to manage their content creation process. They use a visual board to track progress and identify bottlenecks, and use the flexible planning aspect of Scrumban to adapt to changing priorities.

Historical Context

Scrumban was originally conceived as a way for teams to transition from Scrum to Kanban. However, it has since evolved into its own standalone methodology, combining the structure and iterative development of Scrum with the continuous flow and pull system of Kanban.


  • Scrumban is not a ‘silver bullet’ solution for all project management challenges. It is a tool that can be effective in certain contexts, but it requires a deep understanding of both Scrum and Kanban to implement effectively.
  • Scrumban is not just Scrum with a Kanban board. It is a unique methodology that combines elements of both.


  • Scrumban vs Scrum: Scrumban is more flexible than Scrum and does not use fixed-length sprints. It also emphasizes continuous delivery, whereas Scrum focuses on delivering work in iterations.
  • Scrumban vs Kanban: Unlike Kanban, Scrumban incorporates elements of iterative development from Scrum. It also uses a pull system for task management, but allows for more flexibility in planning and execution.

Related Concepts

  • Scrum
  • Kanban
  • Agile
  • Lean
  • Project Management
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